The End Of Humanity

This 40 minute documentary explains how world leaders are promoting the replacement of the human race with robots and AI. These psychopaths want to end the era of humanity and enter a new era of neo-humanity. This will only benefit them. Others will be eliminated or enslaved.

The presentation includes evidence and is so important that it is available in multiple languages. Please share it as widely as possible.

English - The End Of Humanity.

Português - O Fim De Humanidade.

Italiano - La Fine Dell'Umanita'.

Español - El Fin De La Humanidad.

Français - La Fin de l'Humanité.

Deutsch - Das Ende Der Menschheit.


Suomalainen - IHMISKUNNAN LOPPU - Maailmanlaajuisten johtajien suunnitelmien mukaisesti

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