This documentary shows the evidence that the 'Covid' hoax was planned for years. Watch it HERE.
This excerpt explains how a eugenicist robber baron took control of the medical industry in order to make more money from his oil.
Watch it HERE.
How a whistleblower admitted that studies investigating the connection between vaccines and autism were fraudulent.
Watch it HERE.
Talking to parents whose children have been vaccine-damaged.
Watch it HERE.
Plotkin was under oath and had to tell the truth about the horrific ingredients in vaccines. A must-watch.
Watch it HERE.
A short documentary discussing the cover-up of deaths in the UK after the covid jab.
Watch it HERE. (15 minutes.)
Young fit athletes are dying of heart problems after the "covid" jab.
Watch it HERE. (2 hours & 40 minutes.)
Dr William Makis talks about the unprecedented number of pilots and athletes dying.
Listen to him HERE. (1 hour & 2 minutes.)
Watch his interview with Taylor Hudak HERE. (2 hours & 24 minutes.)
Documentary exposing the dangers of vaccines.
Watch it HERE. (1 hour & 41 minutes.)
A documentary about children who suffered injuries after the pertussis vaccine.
Watch it HERE. (52 minutes.)
A heart-breaking documentary about the dangers of vaccines.
Watch it HERE. (1 hour & 30 minutes.)
A documentary by Dr Gary Null.
Watch it HERE. (1 hour and 36 minutes.)
This Canadian scientist/mathematician explains that there was no covid 'pandemic' and that the vaccines and hospital protocols caused huge numbers of excess deaths.
Watch him HERE. (1 hour & 10 minutes.)
Yet another truly heartbreaking documentary showing that vaccines cause autism.
Watch it HERE. (1 hour and 41 minutes.)
A documentary about deaths due to the covid 'vaccines'.
Watch it HERE. (1 hour & 8 minutes.)
A 2013 documentary about the dangers of vaccines by Gary Null.
Watch it HERE.
Documentary about the dangers of aluminium, which is included in many vaccines as an "adjuvant".
Watch it HERE.
The story of vaccination.
Watch it HERE.